On The Chopping Block
SJ chopping blocks in Ed's workshop.
Each region of the country has their take on how barbeque ought to be. As for us, we believe whole hog bbq over a wood-burning pit is how it ought to be. As Sam Jones’ grandad used to say, “If it’s not cooked with wood, it’s not BBQ.” Part of those traditions is the tools and materials we use, including our chopping blocks.
Chopped pork BBQ with the crispy skin is our specialty which makes the chopping block an integral part of the process. Both our restaurants have the large maple blocks that were created by Ed Swinson of Chicod, NC. And just like us, his craft is steeped in tradition.
Ed Swinson is a second-generation woodworker whose father instilled in him the value of shaping wood with his hands. After some time working along his father, Ed took over his business of creating custom BBQ butcher blocks. Since then he has established Ed’s Shape Shack, his woodworking shop that not only creates blocks for us but also blocks for other businesses, individuals, and all kinds of beautiful products.
Ever since Sam Jones BBQ’s Winterville location opened in 2025, Ed has been the one creating our huge chopping blocks - the largest he makes! They’re 2-foot-by-4-foot and 6 inches thick. Or as Sam Jones says: "They're as high as a damn giraffe's horns." They are made by hand from hard rock maple. The wood is glued together (with food-safe glue) and reinforced with three rods to withstand all that chopping. They last 10 to 12 months on each side.
After our restaurants are done using the blocks, we sell them. We have a waiting list of people wanting a piece of BBQ history. Sam still has a chopping block that his grandfather Pete Jones used to use. It was even on display at the Atlanta History Center for its Barbecue Nation exhibit in 2018.
Ed, who grew up in eastern North Carolina, is happy to count the Jones family among his customers. "Sam and his family are legends so I'm very proud to do work for them," he said. "Carrying on that whole hog barbecue tradition means something to me."
Find Ed’s barbecue chopping blocks, breadboards, cutting boards, and more on his online shop. Boards come in various sizes and can even be customized.
Thank you to Ed and all those that help keep the East Carolina BBQ tradition alive!